Liberatory Animist Healing

Guidance for Personal and Collective Transformation

We are here to connect and participate. And yet, we are currently navigating many barriers to that birthright. Learn how to work and play with your embodied experience as a creative agent for ushering in the change that is needed, and for vitalizing what is most beneficial for the whole.


Counseling ~ Facilitation ~ Consultation ~ Ritual


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image description: background of pink, purple, and blue soft paint strokes and detailed lines of ambiguous shapes and patterns. In white, the main title is “Animist Arts.” Sub heading is “creating conditions for liberatory relating, with Dare Sohei and Larissa Kaul.”

image description: background of pink, purple, and blue soft paint strokes and detailed lines of ambiguous shapes and patterns. In white, the main title is “Animist Arts.” Sub heading is “creating conditions for liberatory relating, with Dare Sohei and Larissa Kaul.”

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healing through agency and connection


Liberatory animist healing: Remembering and practicing more power and agency in the moment and over time. Nurturing the gifts of our birthright through creative expression and connection to the full web of life. Transforming behavior personally and collectively through a natural re-alignment of priorities and clear vision.  

Our biology, our senses, and our natural curiosity and capacity for awe and creativity, is right there, speaking to us all the time. A relentless support persists within our experience, despite our scarce and anxious habits. What kind of dance are you dancing with your behaviors and choices? What kind of song are you singing with your attention and relationships?